Cabbage!! Cabbage juice!!! I felt in love with this vegetable when it healed my friend from ulcers. Cabbage is a member of the cruciferous family, the likes of Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels Sprout, Kale, Collard, Mustard, Radish, Rutabagas, Turnips and other common vegetables. This family are the bad guys (meant it in a good way) they are rich in anti-oxidants and well known for their cancer fighting properties. Cabbage comes in different varieties and they contain a wealth of micro-nutrients as well as wide array of phytochemicals. Cabbage is best juiced because when cooked it deactivate the enzyme Indole-3-carbinol, a cancer fighting compound found in cabbage.
Key Benefits:
Cabbage is simply amazing and comes with a wide array of nutrients. From vitamin C, potassium, iron, and calcium, Iodine, Sulfur and Phosphorus. In the vitamin department it’s well loaded with Vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, K and folate. However the most importantly the cabbage family contains more phytochemical with demonstrable anti-cancer properties than any other vegetable family. They also helps stimulate the production of antibodies to fight cancer.
Health Benefits of Cabbage Juice:
- Cancer: Cabbage is well known for its cancer fighting properties; they are rich in phytochemicals known as glucosinolates. Which helps protect against cancer cells. Generally no vegetable have being able to beat the cruciferous family in their anti-cancer phytochemicals. Cabbage is one of the major dietary recommendations of the American Cancer Society to lower risk of cancer. Sulforaphane, Isothiocyanates, and Indole-3-carbinole (I3C) are anti-cancer compounds found in cabbage, that helps increase the detoxification mechanisms of the body, thereby improving the body ability to detoxify and eliminate harmful hormones. Studies as shown that the increased intake of cabbage juice significantly increased the conversion of estrogens from cancer-producing forms to nontoxic breakdown products. Recent studies have also shown that cabbage intake has been associated with a lower incidence of lung, colon, breast and cervical cancer. One such study revealed that women who consumed 3 or more portions of cabbage each week were 72% less likely to get breast cancer compared to women who only consumed 1 and a half portions each week.
- Peptic Ulcer: This one really blew me away and made me fall in love with the vegetable, now I juice it regularly. Irrespective of the awful taste, I still compensate it with the enormous health benefits. Cabbage juice has shown tremendous progress in the healing of ulcer, usually in less than 7days. In 1949 a research was conducted at the Stanford University of Medicine, where cabbage juice was used in the treatment of peptic ulcer. The average healing time for six patients with gastric ulcer treated with cabbage juice was only 7.3 days, compared with 42 days for six patients treated by standard therapy. This works by increasing the amount of protective substances that line the intestine. Breakdown of this lining is the main cause of ulcer.The major anti-ulcer component of cabbage is glutamine, an amino acid important for the growth and regeneration of cells lining of the gastrointestinal tract.
- Weight Loss: If weight loss is your goal, then cabbage juice is just the perfect juice for you. Cabbage juice does this by purifying the upper section of your intestine, which allows the elimination of waste materials. This makes weight loss become easy and the digestion of food gets facilitated.
- Colitis: Cabbage is used for colitis and it’s great for bowel cleansing. The treatment of the large intestine and colon inflammation are being handled by the two essential minerals chlorine and sulphur. Its usual to experience foul gas after drinking the juice, don’t be embarrassed, it show that the remedy has commenced working.
- Anemia: Cabbage juice contains one vital nutrient called Folic acid. Folic acid is considered an important nutrient in the treatment of anemia, because it helps build new blood cells.
- Skin: When it comes to skin care, cabbage juice works wonders, no matter how much you think your skin has been damaged, you can always rely on cabbage to restore your natural radiance. Cabbage helps remedy skin disorder like acne, pimples and blackheads by combating harmful free radicals that cause them. The antioxidant present in the juice is very helpful in preventing premature ageing and reducing dry skin. So try adding the juice to your mask and seeing first-hand how the wrinkle will vanish. The vitamin C content also helps speed up this procedure to a large extent. My sisters were always fund of using cabbage juice on their hair, and it produced remarkable results. I went further to research about it and found out that the high sulphur content is helpful in making hair stronger and averting hair loss. You can either drink the juice every morning or include it in your hair mask. The vegetable also rich in vitamin A and E which helps rejuvenate the tissues and help you look fairer, soft and supple significantly. Cabbage juice is also beneficial in detoxification due to the presence of potassium.
- Breast engorgement: My mum does this a lot. Just peel off the layer of cabbage, run it slightly under the rolling pin and cap it over the breast as close to the skin as possible, to soothe breast engorgement. Wear your maternity brassieres over the cabbage and leave till the cabbage leaves wither. Try this and see the wonders.
- Skin wound: for wounds flatten layers of cabbage leaves and wrap it around affected areas of wound-blisters, sores, psoriasis, burn and ulcers. Keep this in place with a bandage, until the leaves turn yellow then change the leaves and repeat the process till wound heals. In between this process clean and dry wound.
- Detoxification: Cabbage Juice is full of phyto-nutrients that rid the body of free radicals that cause damage to cells. Thus helps prevent diseases such as lung, colon, stomach and prostate cancer. It might also interest you to know that cabbage juice contains lactic acid which is great disinfectant for the colon.
- Asthma and Bronchitis: Cabbage juice also helps remedy asthma and bronchitis, by boosting the healing ability of the respiratory tract.
- Boost immune system: Cabbage juice also helps boost the immune system and works to promote and regulate T cells, therefore helping in the treatment of allergies because of a chemical called histidine.
- Lowers Cholesterol: A Japanese study show that cabbage juice significantly lowered bad cholesterol in patients. It also detoxifies the liver.
- Fights Bacterial and Viral Infections: The red cabbage comes with amazing amounts of vitamin C i.e. 5 to 6 times the vitamin C than green cabbage contains. Which helps fight off bacterial and viral infections. It might also interest you to know that the red cabbage juice also contains large amount of omega 3 fatty acids that lowers your cholesterols and triglycerides, which helps prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes and lowering blood pressure. Fermented Cabbage Juice also works well for controlling candida infections.
I usually go for the smaller once, because they taste better. Avoid buying pre-cut cabbage that are either half or shredded, because the moment you cut cabbage it begins to lose its nutrient contents. For storage, keep the vegetable refrigerated in a perforated plastic bag to prevent loss of its vitamin C.
Wash the organic once thoroughly, for the nonorganic soak with bio-degraded wash, and rinse. Cabbage juice is very unpleasant so you might want to combine it with other vegetables like carrot, apple, celery, cucumber, spinach or lemon. For starters I advise you consume in small quantity.
If you have further questions, feel free to drop me a comment
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